Food from Thought investigators have been active contributors in response to the emerging questions and needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the foremost experts in the agri-food sector, they are tirelessly offering up their expertise, delving into the complex infrastructural challenges, and advising governmental authorities and the general public. Here you will find the latest in resources and information about food safety, sustainability, and production in these new and difficult times.
Food from Thought’s COVID-19 Webinar Series
Food from Thought has launched a webinar series in partnership with the Arrell Food Institute and the One Health Institute that features University of Guelph agri-food experts, answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Webinar one: COVID-19 + Lessons for Food Systems
The first video in a series featuring University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moderated by:
Rene Van Acker, Dean, Ontario Agricultural College
Lawrence Goodridge, Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety, and Food Science
Jess Haines, Guelph Family Health Study, and Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Mike von Massow, Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dana McCauley, Research Innovation Office
Webinar two: COVID-19 + Data Decisions after Disruption
The second video in a series featuring University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moderated by:
Jeff Wichtel, Dean, Ontario Veterinary College
Rozita Dara, Computer Science
Amy Greer, Population Medicine
Simon Somogyi, Food Business
Alfons Weersink, Agricultural Economics
Webinar three: COVID-19 + Social Impacts on Rural Communities
The third video in a series featuring University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moderated by:
Philip Loring, Arrell Chair of Food Policy and Society
Dr. Ryan Gibson, Associate Professor and Libro Professor in Regional Economic Development, Department of Rural Planning and Development
Dr. Helen Hambly Odame, Associate Professor, Department of Capacity Development and Extension
Jacqui Empson Laporte, Environmental Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Abdul-Rahim Abdulai, Arrell Scholar and PhD Candidate, Department of Geography
Webinar four: COVID-19 + Food Insecurity: the Intersection
The fourth webinar in a series featuring University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar discussion was broadcast live on June 9, 2020.
Moderated by:
Gwen Chapman, Dean, College of Social & Applied Human Sciences
Leticia Deawuo, Director, Black Creek Community Farm and winner of the 2018 Arrell Community Food Hero Award (
Elizabeth Finnis, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology & Anthropology Robert Friendship, Professor, Department of Population Medicine
Arvinder Pannu, MSc Candidate, Capacity Development and Extension Program
Webinar five: Covid-19 + The Future of Ag Tech and Labour
The fifth webinar in a series featuring University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar discussion was broadcast live on June 16, 2020.
Moderated by:
Rene Van Acker, Dean, Ontario Agricultural College
Emily Duncan, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics
Andrew Gadsden, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Debra Hauer, Manager of Agri LMI (Labour Market Information), Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council
Webinar six: COVID-19 + the Culinary Industry: A Way Forward
The sixth and final webinar in a series featuring the University of Guelph agri-food experts answering questions from the public about food and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar discussion was broadcast live on June 23, 2020.
Moderated by:
Statia Elliot, Interim Associate Dean, External Relations, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Maria Corradini, Arrell Chair in Food Quality and Associate Professor, Department of Food Science
James Eddington, Chef and Owner, Eddington’s of Exeter
Bruce McAdams, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management
Vijay Nair, Executive Chef, University of Guelph
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