If this research is successful, we will be able to predict emergence of avian influenza viruses, better control influenza outbreaks using biologicals and provide an avian influenza decision support system for animal health authorities.
If this research is successful, we will be able to predict emergence of avian influenza viruses, better control influenza outbreaks using biologicals and provide an avian influenza decision support system for animal health authorities.
This research is concerned with developing and optimizing ways in which infectious agents and emerging diseases can be prevented and controlled, with avian influenza virus used as the platform for proposed research.
We are developing a multi-pronged approach to offer biological tools and decision support systems for control of AIV spread. We also propose to conduct economic analyses of cost of disease and benefits of the proposed intervention strategies. The microscale mission on emerging diseases will break new ground by taking a novel approach to tackle the issue of avian influenza virus spread as a potential threat to animal and human health.
This research will provide information to industry leaders, such as the poultry industry, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), and public health authorities for science- and evidence-based decisions related to future AIV outbreaks. Intellectual property could include: identification of viruses which have the potential to emerge as pathogens for animals or humans, identification of superior intervention strategies for control of virus shedding and transmission, and development of a decision support system as an aid for control and prevention of outbreaks.
Partners: OMAFRA, Canadian Poultry Research Council and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Collaborators and students: Raveendra Kulkarni, Bahram Shojadoost, Nadiyah Alqazlan, Samira Yousefi, Xiao Xie, Jake Astill, Mohammad Alizadeh.
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