Unfortunately, much of the impact of agriculture on watersheds is generally non-point (pollution that is not confined to any one point or source). Therefore, mitigation options must target locations where they would be most beneficial. These types of decisions rely on improved modelling platforms.
What challenge does “Agricultural Hydrology and Modelling” address?
Understanding the ecological impact of agricultural practices on water systems requires the development of new models to understand both extent of impact and mitigation options.
How will this research address the challenge?
This project team is using a large-scale soil monitoring system to evaluate existing agricultural water models and develop new approaches for understanding these processes.
What impact will the project have on agriculture?
The desired impact of the outcomes will be new methods for policy makers to assess the impact of agricultural changes to watersheds. This will allow for mitigation through development of better management practices to be implemented rapidly.
Other information
Collaborators and students: Dr. Jaclyn Cockburn, Dr. Hida Manns, Dr. Jaison Ambadan, Ms. Melisa Kopan.
For more information on this research project, please visit https://www.uoguelph.ca/geography/hrsl/