
Sudhanshu Sudan

Role: Conference Bursary Recipient

Department: Animal Biosciences

College: OAC

Conference Attended: World Microbe Forum 2021

Location: Virtual

Value: $313

Research Presentation:

Under the current Food from Thought research objectives, my research falls under ‘Livestock’ and ‘Pathogens and Food Safety’ themes. The purpose of my study is to find novel strategies to stabilize, improve gut of monogastric livestock and enhancing nutrient utilization for a better health and growth performance. I am trying to achieve this by 1) developing strategies for screening and isolating next generation of probiotic bacteria, 2) assessing their role in enhancing gut immunity and health, 3)
assessing secretion of extracellular digestive enzymes for maximizing the nutrient digestion and utilization without increasing the cost of the feed.

My PhD thesis work also focuses on:

  • studying the gut microbiota and interaction of the gut microbes with the hosts
  • in controlling levels of ammonia
  • enhancing intestinal immunity of swine during pathogenic infections
  • to develop feed fermentation strategies for maximizing nutrient utilization and growth performance
  • in infeed alternative to antibiotics program

With the improved animal gut health, performance and lowered use of antibiotics, this study will help in elevating the economy related to livestock trade globally

Objectives for Attending: 

I find conferences inspirational and energizing opportunities to connect with the global scientific community, exploring current research approaches and establish collaborations. Additionally, its a great
platform where I can display my scientific communication skills, discuss ideas and get input for my work. However, due to current global condition and travel restrictions, the research connections that I usually look forward to may seem different. Nonetheless, I am looking forward for networking during the live sessions as well as interactive sessions. I am in a very interesting phase of my research and this exposure will highlight my work as well as provide me some additional reviews on my work for next steps planned. Broadly I am looking forward to 1) Joint general sessions in ASM and FEMS work 2) Interactive workshop/session in antimicrobial resistance and alternatives for animal health and 3) career development workshop in research beyond academia.