
Claudia Wagner-Riddle

Role: Professor (Environmental Sciences)

Claudia grew up in Brazil and developed an interest in soil and climate after a frost destroyed many of the coffee plantations in her region. The plantations were replaced with annual crops such as soybeans and corn, and that brought with it a lot of soil erosion. Claudia is focussed on multi-disciplinary research projects to determine how diverse and non-diverse crop rotations, including the use of cover crops, impact soil health and soil ecosystem services. Her team is looking at multiple benefits that could be derived from soil, such as water quality, soil carbon storage and diversity.

Food from Thought project(s): Expanding the Value of Soil Health and Soil Ecosystem Services Research through Development of an Integrated Data Sharing Platform and Enhancing the Impact of Agri-Environmental Research with Repeat Digital Imaging

Project category: Digital Research

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