Amanda Fischer-Tlustos
Role: Conference Bursary Recipient
Department: Animal Biosciences
Conference Attended: American Dairy Science Association Joint Annual Meeting
Location: Kansas City, MO, USA
Value: $2,061.0
Research Presentation:
The project I will present at the 2022 ADSA-JAM characterizes the effect of prepartum dietary energy content on colostrum and transition milk composition and immunogloublin G concentrations. Digestive disorders during the first weeks of life are the most common cause of dairy calf morbidity and mortality.
Consequently, a large proportion of calves are treated with antimicrobials and it is prudent to identify alternatives. Bovine colostrum and transition milk (TM; milkings 2-6) is a valuable source of an abundance of bioactive compounds and energy substrates that promote calf digestive health, including fat and immunoglobulin G. However, the concentrations of these bioactive molecules in colostrum and
TM vary widely, and there is a a lack of knowledge pertaining to feasible prepartum management strategies to maximize their concentrations. Therefore, this research will develop novel strategies to prevent the risk of dairy calf digestive disorders through enhancing gut health during early life, thus promoting calf health, welfare and productivity. As such, this research directly aligns with Food from Thought’s micro-mission of ensuring livestock health and welfare, as well as enhancing food safety, and ultimately, the sustainability of the Canadian dairy industry.
Objectives for Attending:
In addition to effectively presenting and communicating my research results, my primary objectives for the 2020 ADSA-JAM are:
1) To expand my knowledge on the latest findings and research related to ruminant nutrition and health. I am specifically interested in topics pertaining to lactation biology, and the influence of nutrition and bioactive molecules on dairy calf development and health. To achieve this, I will attend platform sessions
and visit scientific posters directly pertaining to these fields of research.
2) To extensively network with global industry representatives and researchers to build strong relationships that will ultimately lead to future collaboration. As a graduate student interested in pursuing a lifelong career in the field of ruminant research, building relationships is necessary in ensuring my current and future success as a researcher. Furthermore, networking during the early stages of my
degree will allow for feedback and different perspectives on all aspects of my planned PhD research. Feedback from both scientists and industry representatives will ensure that my research is not only of the highest caliber, but also remains applicable to industry. I am especially interested in networking with keynote speaker Dr. Marcelo Villagrán (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile), a leader in the field of lactation biology and nutrient transport into the bovine mammary gland – topics that are heavily integrated into my PhD research.
3) To improve my ability to effectively communicate my scientific findings to a broad range of audiences. In addition to achieving this goal through practicing my presentation skills in my oral presentation, I will also attend the Scientific Communication Workshop on June 19th that will be hosted by Joe Proudman
(Associate Director for Communications for the CLEAR Center, UC Davis).